Monday, January 14, 2008

My little TODDLER!!!

Okay, so this is kinda bittersweet! But, Madison has graduated from the infant room to the toddler room at her daycare. The other workers and I were very worried this wouldn't go well, because she has gotten attached to all the ladies in the infant room. Today was her first day in the toddler room and she did GREAT!!!! I am so happy! I think she likes it more because she's with kids more her age. In the infant room she would only take about 10-15 minute naps, but today in the toddler room she took a one hour nap on a mat on the floor!!! I am just so excited that she did so well. Hopefully she will continue to do well with it. I can't believe I have a toddler!!!!!


brandyk said...

And before you know it, she'll be refusing to take naps at all :) She's precious. I love seeing the videos & pictures!!!

Love, Brandy [in the future you'll know bk is moi!]

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big she's getting! Give her kisses for me!! Love you!!

BerryLady said...

And so it begins....and a distinct personality will soon follow! No longer a baby, but growing into her own person. Yes, a tough milestone for a mom to deal with. We both love that little girl, and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Tina said...

It's funny that when your talking about your baby how big the word toddler sounds. Time just has a way of moving so fast somtimes. Seems like yesterday I had toddlers. I am so glad that you guys are enjoying your daughter like you do. You will have precious memories to look back on. Give Madison a big Hug & Kiss from Nana I Love You, Mom.