Monday, July 13, 2009

Our neighbors across the street gave us this pool for Madison that they had for when their grandkids were in town. She loves it! She played in it for an hour today.

And here are just a few new pics. Mason had his 2 week check up today. He is up to 8lbs 10oz (the same weight that Madison was when she was born)! The Doctor said everything looks perfect. He is sleeping well and eating about every 3 hours. He will sleep about 5 hours one time a day (thank God it's at nighttime)!

Madison loves holding her baby brother. She is such a big help. She gives him his pacifier when he cries and covers him with his blanket. She really is a great big sister, and I am so proud of her!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Looks like Madison loves her pool as much as you guys did when you were her age. She'll be teaching Mason how to slide next year!!! Can't wait to see you again. I Love You, Give Hugs & Kisses to the kids!!! Mom/Nana