Saturday, August 22, 2009

Well, the Hough family now has a new travel/towing vehicle. Today we traded in our Toyota Tacoma for a 2002 Chevy Suburban 2500 4x4. It has 3 rows of seating and room enough for the dogs in the back (I'm sure they will appreciate the A/C!) And of course Jason can tow anything he wants up to 10,000 pounds. We had to drive to Atlanta to get it. It wasn't the one we were planning on getting. The one we originally went up there for ended up looking too beat up when we got there, so luckily they had this one on the lot. Anyways, we love it!

Mason is starting to smile and talk to us a lot more these days.
He started going to school on Wednesday of this week. He has been doing really good. They always brag on him and say what a good baby he is, so that makes me feel good.

Madison has pharyngitis:( She woke up on Friday with a temp of 102 and coughing. I found out on Friday afternoon that one of the girls in her classroom just had a confirmed case of the H1N1 flu virus. So of course I freaked out and headed to the ER since Madison's Dr. closes at noon on Fridays. Luckily she doesn't have the flu, just pharyngitis. The doctor is treating her for strep throat though because he said if he didn't then it would probably turn into strep throat. So, she is on antibiotics and cough meds. She hasn't had a fever at all today and she is acting like her normal self which is wonderful.


Tina said...

Very nice looking truck ! So glad everything worked out good. You guy's should really enjoy traveling in that. Mason is such a cutie pie!!! I just want to kiss him. I am so glad Madison did not have the flu. You guy's need to get plenty of rest tomorrow so you and she can get well. I Love You All OOOO & XXXX Mom & Dad/ Nana & Papa

Unknown said...

I like your new truck. I hate that y'all had so much trouble when you got up there though. Mason is just as cute as ever & we are praying for Madison. Give them both hugs and kisses for us! Love you all!!