Sunday, November 15, 2009

Grand Bay

We took a trip to Grand Bay today. The weather was perfect for a stroll down the boardwalk:)
Here is Madison on the look-out for alligators. (I love how she has her hand on her head...she's so cute!)

Madison showing off the flower she picked...

...and then threw in the water.

We saw 3 alligators while out today! There is one right in the center of this picture.
There is also one right in the center of this picture too, but it's very hard to pick out. We were at the top of the "Eiffel Tower" as Madison calls it.

This one you can obviously see. It was right at the edge of the boardwalk. Don't worry, there were boards and wire lining the boardwalk so they couldn't get us:)

Mason just enjoying the ride with Daddy.


Tina said...

AWWW, Good pic's. The kid's look sooo sweet. Jason look's like he's enjoying not having to shave :) & we havn't seen hair on his head for a long time. Glad you guy's had a good day.

Unknown said...

Madison is too cute in that first picture! Looks like you guys had fun. Love you!
Lacey & Zach