Thursday, July 10, 2008

Big Girl!!!

Got some big updates for a big girl! For starters, Madison used the potty for the first time tonight!!! Jason read an article in one of his classes about children with autism, and it said the way they potty train them is to put them on the potty every 15 minutes. So, I said, it's worth a shot, I'll try. It took about 4 times sitting on the potty at 15 minute intervals and Madison peed and pooped in the potty. I got so excited I think I might have scared her a little bit. I must not have scared her too bad because she peed in the potty again before she went to bed!
Speaking of going to bed...we converted Madison's crib to the trasitional bed. And soon she'll get her own big girl bed. She did pretty good with it. She liked the fact that she could get in it herself. She cried the first time I turned out the lights and left, but I just went in and sung her a couple songs and she was fine.
Here she is crawling in for the first time. Chilling out reading a book in bed.
Ready to go Night Night!
Here's a picture I took the other day. Madison was playing in the sprinkler when she decided that she wanted to get her pool toys and bring them to play with. I just thought it was cute the way she was carrying them.
Well, I guess that's about it. Our little baby is growing into a big girl! It's bittersweet!


Tina said...

We are so proud of our BIG GIRL!!!
It is bitter sweet, It seems like yesturday that I was putting my little girls to bed, and now they're all grown up. I'm so glad your getting to spend the summers with Madison, You'll cherish these memories forever. We Love You. Mom & Dad / Nana & Papa

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big she's getting! Tell her I love her...even though she didn't want to talk to me yesterday! ;) Love you!!