Friday, February 27, 2009

Belly Picture

Okay, here's a picture of growing Mason. I'm 21 weeks now. A little over half way there! Everything is going good. I had the flu 2 weeks ago, so that was fun, but other than still trying to get over that, things are great. Thank God the morning sickness is OVER!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone! Here's a few pictures from a party we threw for our friends who just deployed yesterday. The first picture is Madison and Nate. Madison has a "crush" on Nate. Nate goes to church with us and for the past year I think he's ate lunch at our house every Sunday, so she sees a lot of him. She talks about him ALL the time and she gets all giggly and crazy when he's around.
Here's some of our friends around the fire.

Andrew, Nate, and Madison jumping on the trampoline. She loved having a "party" with all her friends over.
In baby news....Jason felt Mason kick for the first time last night! I know that's not really exciting for you guys, but Jason was excited to finally feel his son move:)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Just thought I'd post some recent pics.
Here is Madison opening her Valentine's stickers, shirt, and card from Nana and Papa Junn. She loves stickers!
Jason and Madison fell asleep on the couch together. So sweet:)

Madison was supposed to have a Valentine's party at school today, but she got sent home with a stomach virus:( I still brought her a cupcake home though cause she was so excited about them.

She didn't really even eat much of it, she just played with it. She likes candy, but other than that, she is not much for sweets.

And here she is showing off her new Barney DVD's from Nana and Papa Thompson for Valentine's Day. She loves Barney!