Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Just thought I'd post some recent pics.
Here is Madison opening her Valentine's stickers, shirt, and card from Nana and Papa Junn. She loves stickers!
Jason and Madison fell asleep on the couch together. So sweet:)

Madison was supposed to have a Valentine's party at school today, but she got sent home with a stomach virus:( I still brought her a cupcake home though cause she was so excited about them.

She didn't really even eat much of it, she just played with it. She likes candy, but other than that, she is not much for sweets.

And here she is showing off her new Barney DVD's from Nana and Papa Thompson for Valentine's Day. She loves Barney!


Anonymous said...

We are so sorry our little girl is sick. At least she still got to have her cupcake...Good job Mom. We love you guys so much and we hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day..Nana and Papa Junn

Unknown said...

It looks like she was probably watching Barney when you took that last picture! We love you guys & can't wait to see you again!
Lacey & Zach

Tina said...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S TO THE HOUGH'S Glad to hear that Madison is feeling a little better. And Leslie if you need me I will come this afternoon. I'll call you when daddy gets home to see how you are. You guys get some rest while you watch Barney!! I Love You All, Mom/Nana