Saturday, January 23, 2010

Family Fun

Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a great weekend. Jason, Madison, Mason, and I took a walk on the Azalea City Trail today, which happens to go right through a park, so we stopped to play.
Mason is sitting up pretty good on his own now. He can't do it for long, but he's getting the hang of it:)

Daddy and Mason trying out the slides for the first time.
And of course Mommy had to have a turn too:)

Madison loves to swing!

Mason graduated from his infant seat (which he outgrew with the quickness) and is now in his Recaro convertible seat. He seems to like it and even took a nap in it today:)

Mason has tried all the baby vegetables now and is moving on to fruit. His favorite vegetables are carrots and green beans. And so far he's had pears and applesauce, and loves them both. I can't believe how fast he is growing up!


Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! We love you!
-Lacey & Zach

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how fast my little ones are growing up. It's card to believe that we were there for Masons birth and now he is already sitting up by himself...Glad you all had such a great time. Love you all..Pappa and Nana Junn

Unknown said...

AWWW, such good pics. The kid's are just growing up so fast. You all look beautiful as alway's. We miss you, Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Love You All. XXXX & OOOO Mom & Dad/Nana & Papa