Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hello Everyone! It's been a while since I last updated the blog, so here's some pics of what's been going on around here lately. Jason, Mason, and I went to Daytona Beach this weekend for a VW, skate, surf, and music festival. Madison stayed behind with Nana and Papa Junn and Angel. Daytona Beach was great! We stayed right on the beach and the weather was beautiful! Not too hot, not too cold. They had several different little VW shows going on throughout the weekend,a and also some skate and surf competitions. Jason entered his show rabbit in the main car show. He won second place for his class and won third place overall!
Here's a picture Jason took of me walking on the beach. I had to touch the water even though it was still cold:)
And here's Mason for his first time at the beach. He loved the feeling of the sand. And yes, he tried to eat it too:)

These next few pictures are just some taken around the house.
Mason is sitting up well. He still tips over sometimes, but he usually just rolls onto his belly and keeps on playing.

Mason loves his doorway jumper. Jumping is definately his favorite thing to do!

Daddy bought Madison some new books at the bookfair at VSU. Here she is enjoying her new book about a ballerina.

These last ones are of Madison in her dance class. She loves it so much, and she is doing wonderful! This is right at the end of their class routine. She looks so proud!

Here she is doing run, run, leap.

And now practicing her tip toe walk.
I think that's about all that's been going on in the Hough household lately. We stay busy with work, school, dance, cars, cooking, family, friends, car shows, etc. and we are loving every minute of it!


Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed our time with Madison this weekend. It was an extra special treat for us to go see her during her dance class. I think she is a true ballerina. Hope you all enjoyed the newly painted bathroom:) And of course the towel bar that was tighted:):) We love you all sooo mcuh. Can't believe how big our little man is getting. Talk to you soon. Mom and Terry, Nana and Pappa Junn and Angel

Tina said...

What lovely pics :) Looks like Mason really enjoyed the beach. Congrats to Jason with the car show places. I am so glad that Madison is enjoying her dance class. She looks like she is having the best time. I Love You Leslie:) Give the kids & Jason a Big Hug from Nana.