Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bike riding!

Jason bought Madison and I a bike trailer yesterday, so we put it to some use this morning! We got out this morning before it got too hot outside and went for about a 25 minute ride. And let me (and my legs) tell you that you can tell you are pulling 30 pounds behind you! It's good though, it gives me more of a workout. And Madison absolutely loved it! She laughed and giggled for about the first few minutes, and then the rest of the time she went back and forth singing her ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She even kept her helmet on the whole time! I was worried that she would try to pull it off, but she didn't. She such a good girl!


Unknown said...

She's too cute! I love that girl & I can't wait to see her!!

The Junn's said...

I bet she remembers her first ride on Nana's bike trailer so now she considers herself a pro. Good luck Leslie because I feel your pain when I tow Angel. That's about 50lbs. Love you all and we will see you soon. Kiss my little gurl...Nana and Pappa Junn