Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Hey everyone! Just wanted to give a little update and post up a few new pictures. Madison and I are really enjoying our summer off! Unfortunately, Jason is now more busy. He started school last week, so that plus work keeps him busy. He is doing really well though, and I am very proud of him for going back to school.
Madison is doing great. She talks so much now. We're still working on the potty thing. She will tell us after she goes. And she will sit on the potty, but hasn't done anything in it yet. I guess she's just not quite ready yet! I went to Books A Million today and bought her a potty book, and it had a button on it and when you push it it sounds like a toilet flushing. She likes it, so maybe that will help!
She is learning how to drink out of a big girl cup also. I only give one to her when I can be right there with her, so she doesn't make a complete mess. Here's a couple pictures of her drinking from a water bottle. I keep our bottled water on the floor in the pantry, and she will go get one, and bring it to me because she wants to drink out of it!

Here's Madison at Wild Adventure's yesterday. They have this new area for kids (and adults too, I guess) where they keep some of the baby animals for the kids to get close to and pet. They had ducks, chicks, birds, baby goats, and baby deer. The deer in the picture below is only 3 days old!
Anyways, I guess that's it for now. Madison and I will be coming to Panama City next Thursday, the 26th and we'll be there through July 4. We will be going to a couple wedding showers for my sister, Lacey. And just hanging out with family and friends. Can't wait! Jason will come also, but not until July 3.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to see you guys!! Love you!

The Junn's said...

You guys must be sooo proud. Madison is drinking her daily supply of water....Love you guys and we will see you soon..Nana and Papa Junn

Tina said...

My goodness, it looks like Madison grows soo much in every new picture. It just doesn't seem like she should be learning to go potty. On the other hand it makes my day to hear her little voice on the phone. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. I Love You!!! Mom/Nana