Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well, as most of you know, there has been a lot of rain lately. Parts of Valdosta are flooded and I jsut thought I'd share a few pictures of some houses here.
This one is a friend of mine, Jenne. You can't get to her house unless you have a boat. The rain isn't in the house yet, but it's only about 2 inches away from flooding the house, and it's supposed to start raining again tonight.
Some of you will recognize this house. This is Jason's old house that he lived in with his Dad. Obviously this house is ruined because the water is almost half way up the windows.
Pretty crazy stuff. Just keep these people in your prayers. I know the two houses in these picture do not have flood insurance.


Paul, Karen, and, Paula said...

Oh Wow! We are so amazed at the flooding. Paul was told that the house was on the 500 year flood plain....and he had flood insurance when we owned it....but oh my gosh! We can only imagine that the houses around are also flooded.

Anonymous said...

I am STUNNED at our old house. I know Paul and I NEVER thought that would ever happen to our house we we bought it, That was one of the things Paul checked on before we bought it. I pray things get better for these people. My heart goes out to Jeanne and her family.....